Bryan Wilson

Germantown, MD
Hello, my name is Bryan. I am 13 years old and in the 8th grade. I come from an active duty family and recently moved to the Washington, DC area. My home base is Florida which I visit often. One of the coolest duty stations I’ve lived in was Navajo Nation, where I volunteered at Navajo National Monument. Over the past 3 years, we have explored all 50 states and mainland National Parks. My love for Parks started from a trip we took to Colorado. My teacher had just taught a unit about our Nation’s National Parks, and I had heard about the Rockies. Being a native Floridian, snow is nonexistent. The Rockies were full of mountains, snow, and scenery I had never seen. My family and I hiked, snowshoes, skied, sled through the aspen woods. This amazing experience has led my family and me to see the bison of Yellowstone, the eagles of Olympic, the volcanoes of Hawaii Volcanic, and the snow dogs and dancing auroras of Denali. The Parks keep calling us back. I hope my photos and stories will inspire children and families to experience the love of nature and adventure right here in America’s greatest idea- our National Parks.
Follow me on Instagram @junior_ranger_bry or on my blog below to see where Buddy Bison and I are traveling.